Contributing to pyEQL

Reporting Issues

You can report any bugs, packaging issues, feature requests, comments, or questions using the issue tracker on github.

Contributing Code

To contribute bug fixes, documentation enhancements, or new code, please fork pyEQL and send us a pull request. It’s not as hard as it sounds!

It is strongly recommended that you read the following short articles before starting your work, especially if you are new to the open source community.

Hacking pyEQL in Six Easy Steps:

  1. Fork the pyEQL repository on Github

  2. Clone your repository to a directory of your choice:

    git clone<username>/pyEQL
  3. Create a branch for your work. We loosely follow the branching guidelines outlined at

    If you are adding documentation or bug fixes, start with the master branch and prefix your branch with “fix-” or “doc-” as appropriate:

    git checkout -b fix-myfix master
    git checkout -b doc-mydoc master

    If you are adding a new feature, start with the develop branch and prefix your branch with “feature-“:

    git checkout -b feature-myfeature develop
  4. Hack away until you’re satisfied.

  5. Push your work back to Github:

    git push origin feature-myfeature
  6. Create a pull request with your changes. See this tutorial for instructions.

Generating Test Cases

pyEQL has many capabilities that have not been tested thoroughly. You can help the project simply by using pyEQL and comparing the output to experimental data and/or more established models. Report back your results on the issue tracker.

Even better, write up an automated test case (see the tests/ directory for examples).

Making a Donation

If you’d like to leave a ‘tip’ for the project maintainer to support the time and effort required to develop pyEQL, simply send it via Paypal to